Career Edge - TCSiON
Click here to enroll in Career Edge Course
Course Name: Career Edge
Offered by : TCSiON
Covid-19 may have locked down the globe but don't let it put your learning and career on hold. Career Edge - Knockdown the Lockdown is a 15 day self-paced online course which has been specially created to help you effectively utilise the time you have during the lockdown in developing your soft and hard skills to enhance and sharpen your personality and knowledge. You need to dedicate just 2 hours per day over 2 weeks to learn diverse skills which prepare you for your career and keep you ahead of your peers. Through this course, you gain the necessary skillsets demanded by industry along with guidance from TCS business experts, thus giving you a head start well before you start your career.
Duration: 2 Weeks
Commitment: 12 Hours/Week
Course Format
Online Self-paced
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