Dr. Rajakrishnan M, Assistant Professor in Commerce, PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.


Union Budget 2020-21 (Complete Information from A to Z)

Links given below are official Documents released by Government of India.

4. Budget at a Glance

5. Deficit Statistics

6. Transfer of Resources to States and Union Territories with Legislature

7. Budget Profile

8. Receipts

9. Expenditure

10. Outlay on Major Scheme

Statement I - Consolidated Fund of India

11. Revenue Account - Receipts

12. Revenue Account - Disbursements

13. Capital Account - Receipts

14. Capital Account - Disbursements

15. Statement IA - Disbursements 'Charged' on the Consolidated Fund of India

16. Statement II - Contingency Fund of India - Net

Statement III - Public Account of India

17. Receipts

18. Disbursements

19. Receipts & Expenditure of Union Territories without Legislature

20. Finance Bill

21. Memorandum

22. Receipt Budget

23. Expenditure Profile

24. Expenditure Budget

25. Demands for Grants of Central Government

26. The Macro Economic Framework Statement

27. Medium Term Fiscal Policy cum Fiscal Policy Strategy Statement

28. Output Outcome Framework for Schemes 2020-2021

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