Cleanliness Programme
Comrade Association, Department of Commerce with Computer Applications, Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College (Autonomous), Coimbatore has arranged a cleanliness programme as outreach programme at Panchayat Union Primary School at Kalipalayam of Kovil Palayam Block, Coimbatore on 22.06.2019.
Cleanliness is an important factor of life. It is one of the most important practices for a clean and healthy environment. It may be related to public hygiene or personal hygiene. The term cleanliness implies the absense of dust, dirt, garbage or waste, foul smell, stains, etc.
Students of B.Com.(CA) and M.Com.(CA) have actively participated and involved in the cleaning activities.
Mrs. P. Padamavathi, Head Mistress of the school has appreciated the students for their dedicated service to the school.
Dr. M. Prakash, Professor and Head of the Department has given his valuable guidance for the successful completion of the programme.
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