Dr. Rajakrishnan M, Assistant Professor in Commerce, PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.


Tamil to English Meaning - 001

அழகு- Beauty, Fair - Such a beautiful flower.
அகங்காரம்-  Ego, Haughtiness - Ego will not help anyone for their growth.
அகதி- Refugee,  Destitute Person - Safety of refugees should be ensured.
அகந்தை, அகம்பாவம்- Egotism, Haughtiness, Self conceit.
அகப்பை- Ladle. 
அகராதி- Dictionary - To check meaning of words dictionary can be used.
அகலம்- Width, Breath - Adequate width of the clothe is needed to make it as a shirt.
அகல் விளக்கு- Clay lamp
அகவிலைப்படி- Dearness Allowance - Government employees are eligible to get Dearness Allowance from their employer.
அகழி- Trench, Moat
அகற்று - Remove - Remove unnecessary things.
அகன்ற- Broad, Wide - A student should have Broad knowledge.
அகால மரணம் - Premature death, Untimely death. - We can call it as premature death.

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