Dr. Rajakrishnan M, Assistant Professor in Commerce, PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.


Tamil to English Meaning - 005

அடக்கம் - Humility , modesty, restraint - Modesty is the best quality.
அடக்கம் செய்தல் - to entomob, a corpse, bury the dead.
அடக்கு - Control, repress, restrain - Control your emotions.
அடக்குமுறை‌ - Repression -
அடங்காத - Turbulent, restive, unruly - Unruly employees will be terminated.
அடங்கு - Obey, subside - everyone should obey the rules.
அடடா - Alas
அடமானம் - Pledge, pawn, mortage, hypothecation
அடம் - Stubbornness, obstinacy - He lost the order because of his stubbornness.
அடர்த்தி - Density - Density of the forest is great.
அடர்ந்த - Thick, Dense
அடாவடி - Violence - Nowhere Violence is allowed.
அடி - Foot, beat, blow, strike, base
அடிக்கடி - Often, frequently - Often we have to drink water.
அடிக்கல் - Foundation stone - Foundation stone has been laid for the building.
அடிக்கோல் - a foot measure , scale
அடிச்சுவடு - foot print
அடிதடி - fight, quarrel

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