Dr. Rajakrishnan M, Assistant Professor in Commerce, PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.


Tamil to English Meaning - 002

அகிம்சை - Non violence - Mahadma Gandhi followed non violence.
அகிலம் - World - The world has everything for all our needs.
அக்கப்போர் - Squabble
அக்கம்பக்கம் - Neighborhood, Surroundings - peaceful surroundings help peaceful living.
அக்கறை - Interest - Self interest is vital in learning.
அக்காள் - Elder sister - His elder sister is working in ISRO.
அக்கி - Herpes, erysipelas
அக்கிரமம் - Injustice - Nowhere injustice is acceptable.
அக்கினி - Fire - Forest fire leads to loss of lives.
அக்குள் - Arm-pit
அக்னி மூலை - South east corner - Indians construct their kitchen at south east corner.
அங்கத்தினர் - Member - he is one of the member of this club.
அங்கம் - Part - Take part in the club activities.
அங்காடி - Bazzaar, shop, market - Shop is closed at 9 p.m.
அங்கி - Cloak, robe, gown , long coat
அங்கீகாரம் - Recognition, acceptance, approval - Sincerity will get recognition everywhere.

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