Dr. Rajakrishnan M, Assistant Professor in Commerce, PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.



Financial Accounting
Cost accounting
(i) Objective
It provides information about the financial performance and financial position of the business.
It provides information of ascertainment of cost to control cost and for decision making about the cost.
(ii) Nature
It classifies records, presents and interprets transactions in terms of money.
It classifies, records, presents, and interprets in a significant manner the material, labour and overheads cost.
(iii) Recording of data
It records Historical data.
It also records and presents the estimated/budgeted data. It makes use of both the historical costs and pre-determined costs.
(iv) Users of information
The users of financial accounting statements are shareholders, creditors, financial analysts and government and its agencies, etc.
The cost accounting information is used by internal management at different levels.
(v) Analysis of costs and profits
It shows the profit/ loss of the organisation.
It provides the details of cost and profit of each product, process, job, contracts, etc.
(vi) Time period
Financial Statements are prepared for a definite period, usually a year.
Its reports and statements are prepared as and when required.
(vii) Presentation of information
A set format is used for presenting financial information.
There are not any set formats for presenting cost information.

Cost Accounting by Reddy and Hari Prasad Reddy
Cost Accounting by  Jain and Narang

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