Dr. Rajakrishnan M, Assistant Professor in Commerce, PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.


Capital Vs Revenue receipts and Capital expenditure Vs Revenue expenditure

Capital and revenue receipts and expenditure
Receipts which are non-recurring (not received again and again) by nature and whose benefit is enjoyed over a long period are called "Capital Receipts", e.g. money brought into the business by the owner (capital invested), loan from bank, sale proceeds of fixed assets etc. Capital receipt is shown on the liabilities side of the Balance Sheet. receipts which are recurring (received again and again) by nature and which are available for meeting all day to day expenses (revenue expenditure) of a business concern are known as "Revenue receipts", e.g. sale proceeds of goods, interest received, commission received, rent received, dividend received etc.

Distinction between Capital Receipt and Revenue Receipt:

Revenue Receipt
Capital Receipt
It has short-term effect. The benefit is enjoyed within one accounting period.
It has long-term effect. The benefit is enjoyed for many years in future.
It occurs repeatedly. It is recurring and Regular in nature.
It does not occur again and again. It is Non recurring and irregular in nature.
It is shown in profit and loss account on the credit side.
It is shown in the Balance Sheet on the liability side.
It does not produce capital receipt.
Capital receipt, when invested, produces revenue receipt e.g. when capital is invested by the owner, business gets revenue receipt (i.e. sale proceeds of goods etc.).
This does not increase or decrease the value of asset or liability.
The capital receipt decreases the value of asset or increases the value of liability e.g. sale of a fixed asset, loan from bank etc.
Sometimes, expenses of capital nature are to be incurred for revenue receipt, e.g. purchase of shares of a company is capital expenditure but dividend received on shares is a revenue receipt.
Sometimes expenses of revenue nature are to be incurred for such receipt e.g. on obtaining loan (a capital receipt) interest is paid until its repayment.

Difference between Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure:
Revenue Expenditure
Capital Expenditure
Its effect is temporary, i.e. the benefit is received within the accounting year.
Its effect is long-term, i.e. it is not exhausted within the current accounting year-its benefit is received for a number of years in future.
Neither an asset is acquired nor is the value of an asset increased.
An asset is acquired or the value of an existing asset is increased.
It has no physical existence because
it is incurred on items which are used by the business.
Generally it has physical existence except intangible assets.
It is recurring and regular and it occurs repeatedly.
It does not occur again and again. It is Non recurring and irregular.
This expenditure helps to maintain the business.
This expenditure improves the position of the business.
The whole amount of this expenditure is shown in trading P & L A/c or income statement.
A portion of this expenditure (depreciation on assets) is shown in trading & P & L A/c and the balance are shown in the balance sheet on asset side.
It does not appear in the balance sheet.
It appears in the balance sheet until its benefit is fully exhausted.
It reduces revenue (profit) of the business
It does not reduce the revenue of the concern.

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